
Entries by Jon Flaming (134)


Michael Grauer to Write Essay for Jon Flaming's Oil on Canvas Show Catalog. Opening is Thursday, November 13, 5:30 - 8:30pm.

Michael Grauer, associate director for curatorial affairs at the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum in Canyon, Texas, has agreed to write the essay for the Oil on Canvas show that opens at David Dike Fine Art on Thursday, November 13. Michael is one of the state's foremost historians on Texas Art and is very well-respected in Texas art circles. I am very honored that Michael would be willing to contribute in this way. Thanks Michael! - 


Jon Flaming Solo Show, David Dike Fine Art, Thursday, Nov. 13

For the past 12 months, I've been working on 25 large scale canvases that focus on the oil & gas boom in Texas. I am preparing for a solo show at David Dike Fine Art in Dallas. The show, entitled "Oil on Canvas - Paintings of the Texas Oil & Gas Industry", opens Thursday, November 13, from 5:30-8:30. - You're invited!


Jon Flaming Solo Exhibit at David Dike Fine Art this November

Earlier this year, I spent the day on a big oil rig in Pyote, Texas (west of Midland) with my friends Adam Fish (photographer) and Chris Mano (filmmaker). We were given access to the property by my good friend, David Arrington, who was very gracious to allow us to freely roam, ask questions and take photos. David's geologist was also very helpful in educating us on the basics of the industry. - The idea to create paintings based on the Texas oil industry has been on my mind for several years, and this November I will introduce a series of large scale paintings in a solo exhibit at David Dike Fine Art entitled Oil on Canvas - Paintings of the Texas Oil & Gas Industry. The show will open Thursday, November 13 and run through Saturday, December 6, 2014. More to come - 






Recent Paintings


Backroads number 1, Abandoned Buildings, Oil on canvas, 16 x 20 inches, 2014

Backroads number 2, House on a Hill, Oil on canvas, 22 x 28 inches, 2014

 Backroads, New Mexico, Oil on canvas, 20 x 24 inches, 2014


Recent Paintings

For the past 4 months I have been busy preparing new work for a show I'm having at David Dike Fine Art on Thursday, November 6 called "Oil on Canvas" (paintings dealing with the oil & gas industry in Texas). - For the past couple of weeks I have taken a break from the oil & gas paintings and have created some images that are less stylized and a bit more impressionistic. - Here are a few of those pieces. - 

Abandoned Farmhouse on a Hill, oil on canvas, 22 x 28 inches, 2014

Abandoned Farmhouse, oil on canvas, 20 x 24 inches, 2014

Winter Farmhouse, oil on canvas, 16 x 20 inches, 2014