
Entries by Jon Flaming (134)


Adam Fish Shoots Western Movie.

My good friend Adam Fish stopped by David Dike Fine Art last week and shot all the work from the Western Movie show. Thanks Adam for the awesome photos! I've posted all the images on my website under the For Sale tab. Please take a look when you have a second. The show will be up at the gallery through November 25. 


Thanks for Coming out on a Rainy Night!

In spite of the fact that the rain was coming down and the Rangers were playing game 6 of the World Series, many folks turned out for a great evening of art at David Dike Fine Art last Thursday. I appreciate all of you and enjoyed seeing lots of familiar faces and also meeting many new people. Chris Mano of ManoFilmWorks continued shooting the documentary he is working on and got a number of nice still images of the show as well. - Thanks to Anne Kelly for helping me install the show! - "Western Movie" will be up until November 25. Please stop by the gallery if you have the chance and let me know what you think of the new work. - Thanks again!


Chris Mano Shoots Jon Flaming

Filmmaker Chris Mano - ManoFilmWorks - is shooting a documentary on my work. Chris is a very talented filmmaker who just finished his first feature length film "Seasons of Gray" which is showing in theaters in Dallas. Early last week, Chris shot here in the studio and also shot an interview with one of my collectors in their home. - On Friday, Chris shot an interview with David Dike and myself in the backyard. - Next up is a road trip - Chris and I will head to small town Texas where I will show him what inspires my work. - Chris will also be filming the opening of my new show, "Western Movie", on October 27 at David Dike Fine Art. - If you are in town, please stop by the gallery so Chris can shoot you too! - Check out a sampling of the film.

Jon Flaming from Chris Mano on Vimeo.



Jon Flaming Solo Exhibit at David Dike Fine Art October 27

Here are a few more pieces from my "Western Movie" series that will exhibit at David Dike Fine Art next month - Thursday evening, October 27. - 

The Saloon


High Noon


Jon Flaming to Exhibit Work at David Dike Fine Art, October 27.

Over the past several months I have been preparing for an October 27, 2011 show at David Dike Fine Art. I'm calling the show "Western Movie" because the majority of paintings will be based on my collective memory of the friday night TV westerns from the 60's & 70's. Here are a few pieces I've been working on recently for this solo exhibit. Please mark your calendars for Thursday evening, October 27, from 6-9 - and if you are in town stop by the gallery and say hello. -  


Western Movie Series - "The Hideout" - 23 x 32 inches - Oil/Masonite


Western Movie Series - "Abandoned Movie Set - The Mission" - 32 x 42 inches - Oil/Masonite


Western Movie Series - "Bad Guy" - 36 x 48 inches - Oil/canvas